Today Boracay Island opens for tourists

Today Boracay Island opens for tourists again

Today, October 26, the Philippine island of Boracay reopens to tourists. For six months, the state has been active in cleaning the resort of debris and dirt. The cost of "transformation" amounted to 1 billion Philippine pesos ($ 18.54 million).

However, tourists will not have access to much of what they could see here before the closure of the location. There are restrictions on the island. So, there will be no more casinos and souvenir shops.

In addition, tourists will not be able to take part in "fiery" parties and use the services of diving. Also, specially appointed rangers of the island will restrict the use of alcohol and smoking for tourists.

Many experts believe that such strict rules adopted by the Philippine government regarding tourism on the island will lead to a loss of interest among citizens of many countries.

Meanwhile, Galaxy Entertainment President Louis Che Wu is confident that he will still be able to build a casino on the island, despite government bans.

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